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Nice to meet you

I'm Kaleb Eichhorn

UI + User Testing

My name is Kaleb Eichhorn and I am a UI / Usability Tester working in the Minnesota, Twin Cities area.

Hi there! I’m a UI designer and passionate usabilty tester located in Minnesota, Twin Cities area. I have helped completely redesign applications from the bottom up and strive to bring a more cohesive structured design centered approach that scales infinitely. System design advocate for creating once, then coherently applying consistent elements across all applications.

Designed 600+ screens, tested, & revised multiple flows through Maze on 80+ interactive beta users and collaborated with a team of experienced designers to create the most optimal user paths.

Experienced front end developer & adept at using the entire Creative Suite (including Adobe Xd), Figma, & Zeplin for dev handoff. Well versed in information architecture, usability testing, digital design, system design & scalable content.

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// Interface Design

With 3+ years of UI design experience, over 600+ screens in Adobe Xd/Figma, and working on teams of experienced senior designers, I am very confident in delivering professional scalable content.


Professional Experience With:

  • Full Adobe Suite

  • Figma for UI Design

  • Building Design Systems

  • Big Teams

  • Zeplin for Dev Handoff



// Usability Testing

Experience with building and conducting nonbiased usability tests in Maze & live on a group of 80+ beta testers in over 6 countries!




Experience With:

  • Maze Program

  • Building Nonbiased tests

  • Aha

  • Expanding Figma flows for realistic usability testing

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